
Sunday, 22 February 2015

Lush Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar Review

Hello, lovelies!

So I took a quick little trip into town with my mum on Thursday, and of course I ended up in Lush.

I've seen my friends, fellow bloggers, and even a family member going on about how wonderful Lush's new "Unicorn Horn" bubble bar is, so I figured it was time to jump on the band-wagon and try it out for myself.

Not only is it utterly adorable, it smells absolutely divine.

"A one way ticket to the end of the rainbow. Keep this horn on hand and crumble under running water for an explosion of sparkling lustre, colourful candy stars and magical neroli and lavender scents."

The first thing that hit me was the very very distinct lavender scent, which I absolutely adore, although the neroli isn't as noticeable at first, it's certainly there as a very delicate undertone.

A lot of reviews I read on this said they had had trouble with the amount of bubbles the bar produced, saying that there wasn't many at all, but when I tested it, well, I had no problem in my bubble kingdom.

"@earthtoree: BUBBLE KINGDOM"

Something that I didn't notice about the product straight away (and mainly due to the insane amount of bubbles there was) was that it turned the water a very nice lilac colour, and the water was very full of glitter. My excitement can be showcased in the following tweet:

Overall, I found this bubble bar to be absolutely gorgeous. Relaxing, soothing, and great for sore muscles, I found myself wishing I had picked up a couple of these beauties so I can disappear to the end of the bubble rainbow every evening. The lavender creating the perfect relaxation atmosphere, and with a couple of candles? Ya girl would've fallen asleep in there.

So, from my favourite office --

I'll see you next time, then.

Ree xo


  1. Ahh I love Lush bath bombs, they're all so lovely! Especially the ones that have glitter in them. I'll have to add this to my list. xx

    Amy | The Perks of Being Amy

  2. Ow I so want to try this one out! I have a bathtub but barely use it, I think I have an excuse now! :) I recently started my own beauty related blog, I would love for you to check it out, x Josune, Your Beauty Script

    ps: Follow back on Bloglovin if you like? :)
